1. 課文/附拼音 Let's Read Text 2 w/pinyin
2. 方位 Positions
3. Classkick 功課連結 Homework Link
1. 課文/附拼音 Let's Read Text 2 w/pinyin
2. 方位 Positions
3. Classkick 功課連結 Homework Link
中秋節快樂! Happy Moon (Mid-Autumn) Festival!
1. 中國四大節日 The four most important Chinese festivals
2. 中秋節打油詩 A poem for the Moon Festival
3. 嫦娥的故事 The story of cháng é
4. Classkick 功課連結 Homework Link
1. 如果你的電腦還不能打出中文字,請把中文加入你的鍵盤 If your computer still does not have the Chinese input, please add Chinese language to your key board. Here is how:
2. 朗誦 Let's Talk/附拼音 Task 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8/with pinyin
3. 背第一課歌謠 Memorize Lesson 1 Let's Chant
4. 課文/附拼音 Let's Chant & Let's Read Text w/pinyin
5. Classkick 功課連結 Homework Link
1. Welcome 歡迎👈 請點連結做自我介紹 Please click the link and fill out the form to introduce yourself
2. 教室規則 Class Rules
3. 讓我們開始練習中文打字,把中文加入你的鍵盤 Let's add Chinese language to your key board, so we can start learning typing in Chinese. Here is how:
4. 第一課歌謠跟讀 Recite Lesson 1 Let's Chant .
5. 第一課閱讀課文跟讀 Recite Lesson 1 Let's Read
6. 課文/附拼音 Let's Chant & Let's Read Text w/pinyin
7. 字卡 Flashcards 印出字卡並剪開 Please print out the flashcards and cut them out.