Monday, October 31, 2022

UCLC Class 4 莘莘每日四班 10/31/22-11/2/22

1. 萬

2. 國劇臉譜 Chinese Opera Face Mask


3. 做面具 Making a mask

4. Classkick 功課連結 Homework Link

5. Quizlet 第三課的練習單元 Learn. Please click the link below, and work on Quizlet Lesson 3 activity: Learn.

6. 句型 Sentence Patterns

Sunday, October 23, 2022

UCLC Class 4 莘莘每日四班 10/24/22-10/26/22

1. 第二課考試 請點進連結,做第二課的考試。Please click the link and complete the test for Lesson 2.



2. 第三課課文跟讀 Recite Lesson 3 text


3. 請點進下面的連結,印出字卡,剪開 Please click the link below, printing and cutting out the flash cards.

4. 寫生字(詞) 下列生字(詞)各寫五次在寫字簿上,加上拼音,請把完成的寫字功課,用Classkick 裡的照相功能拍照,貼在頁面上。Please complete writing five times for each word (term) on your writing notebook, making sure you write pinyin for each character. Use the camera in Classkick to take a picture of your accomplished work and paste it on the page.


5. Classkick 功課連結 Homework Link

6. Quizlet 第三課的練習單元 Flashcards. Please click the link below, and work on Quizlet Lesson 3 activity: Flashcards.

7. 第三課生詞 Vocabulary

Monday, October 17, 2022

UCLC Class 4 莘莘每日四班 10/17/22-10/19/22

1. Classkick 功課連結 Homework Link


2. 練習不看拼音唸課文 Practice reading the text without the help of pinyin.

3. 課堂小組討論 Group Discussion

4. 小組報告 Group Presentation

5. Quizlet 做第二課的練習單元 Match. Please click the link and work on the activity: Match.



Monday, October 10, 2022

UCLC Class 4 莘莘每日四班 10/10/22-10/12/22

1. Classkick 功課連結 Homework Link


2. 課堂小組討論 Group Presentation

3. 練習不看拼音唸課文 
Practice reading the text without the help of pinyin.

4. 家庭樹 強化 cousin 的不同中文稱呼(表哥、表弟、表姊、表妹、堂哥、堂弟、堂姊、堂妹)。Family Tree: emphasizing different ways of calling cousin in Chinese.

5. 造句用下列附圖和句型造句,每個句型造一句,寫在寫字簿裡,用Classkick裡的照相功能拍照,貼在頁面上。Use the pictures and patterns below to write sentences on your writing notebook, one sentence for each pattern. Use the camera in Classkick to take a picture of your accomplished work and paste it on the page.

6. 唸繞口令 跟著簡老師練習唸《獅子與蝨子》(課本第42頁),練到你能在三十秒內說完,再用 Classkick 錄音. Tongue Twister (textbook p 42): Practice with 簡老師. Use Classkick to record it when you can make it in 30 seconds. 


7. Quizlet 做第二課的練習單元 Learn. Please click the link and work on the activity: Learn.


Monday, October 3, 2022

UCLC Class 4 莘莘每日四班 10/3/22-10/5/22

1. 第一課考試 請點進連結,做第一課的測試。Please click the link and complete the test for Lesson 1.


2. 第二課課文跟讀 Recite Lesson 2 Text.

3. 請印出字卡,剪開 Please print and cut out the flashcards.

4. 寫生字(詞) 下列生字(詞)各寫五次在寫字簿上,加上拼音,請把完成的寫字功課,用Classkick 裡的照相功能拍照,貼在頁面上。Please complete writing five times for each word (term) on your writing notebook, making sure you write pinyin for each character. Use the camera in Classkick to take a picture of your accomplished work and paste it on the page.


5. Classkick 功課連結 Homework Link

6. Quizlet 做第二課的練習單元 Flashcards. Please click the link and work on the activity: Flashcards.


7. 生詞表