1. 做面具 Mask Making
2. 臉譜示範 Some Examples
3. 《我的國劇臉譜》請點進連結,找到有自己名字的 Slide, 依照指示和範例,上傳你的國劇臉譜圖畫。 Please click the link, find the slide with your name, follow the instruction, refer to the example, upload your facial painting of Chinese opera.
4. Classkick 功課連結
5. Google Spreadsheet 練習打字: 點進 Google Spreadsheet 連結,打上自己名字,再依序把生詞打出來。Click the link below, type your name in the spreadsheet, and then the vocabularies accordingly.
6. 句型 Sentence Patterns
7. 臉譜順口溜