Monday, December 14, 2020

每日/週末四班 12/15/20-12/20/20 Weekday/Weekend Class 4

  1. 第五課考試請點進連結,做第五課的考卷。Please click the link and complete the test for Lesson 5.





2. 點進下列連結,印出課文。Click the link below and print out the text.


3. 請點進下面的連結,印出禮券,剪開。Please click the link below, printing and cutting out the coupon templates

4. 摺紙:請準備兩張色紙,一面紅色、一面白色最好,我們來摺紙--聖誕老人。Please be prepared with 2 pieces of colored square paper, one side red the other white preferred. Let's do the origami!


5. 聖誕節問答遊戲 Christmas Q&A Game





6.聖誕節對對碰游戲 點進下列連結,玩配對遊戲。 Click the link below and play the Christmas matching game。

Sunday, December 6, 2020

每日/週末四班12/8/20-12/13/20 Weekday/Weekend Class 4

1. Classkick 《填充題》練習 Work on the Fill-the-blank practice.






2. 我的紙娃娃點進連結,印出男娃娃圖版,剪出圖型,上課用。女娃娃可以自己選擇印或不印。Click the link below and print out the paper for the boy doll. Cut out all pictures to get ready for class use. (Girl doll cutouts are optional.)


3. 設計和介紹《我的紙娃娃》Design and introduce 《My Paper Doll.》
    Step 1: 為你的紙娃娃拍照,把照片上傳到 Google Slide 裡。
    (Take a picture of your dressed-up doll,  and upload the picture to the Google Slide.)
    Step 2: 介紹紙娃娃 (What's included in the introduction?):
    A. 他的名字 (Name)  B. 穿的衣物 (Clothing)  C. 衣物的顏色 (Colors of the clothing)
    D. 天氣如何? (How is the weather)  E. 他要去哪裡? (Where is he going?) 
    F. 他要去做什麼?(What is he doing?)





4. 練習不看拼音唸課文。Practice reading the text without the help of pinyin.

5. 造句: 用下列句型造句,每個句型造一句,寫在寫字簿裡,用Classkick裡的照相功能拍照,貼在頁面上。Use the patterns below to write sentences on your writing notebook, one sentence for each pattern. Use the camera in Classkick to take a picture of your accomplished work and paste it on the page.

6. 點進下面的連結,做 Quizlet 第五課的練習單元:write, spell 和 test. Please click the link, and work on Quizlet Lesson 5 activities: write, spell and test.





Monday, November 30, 2020

每日/週末四班 12/1/20-12/6/20 Weekday/Weekend Class 4

1. Classkick 《量詞填充》練習Work on the practice for 《量詞填充.》





2. 第五課課文跟讀。 Recite Lesson 5 text

3. 朗讀第五課課文:在 Classkick 裡錄音,貼在頁面上。Record your reciting of Lesson 5 text. Use the recording function in Classkick and paste your audio on the page. 
4. 請點進下面的連結,印出字卡,剪開。Please click the link below, printing and cutting out the flash cards.

5. 寫生字(詞): 下列生字(詞)各寫一行在寫字簿上,加上拼音,請把完成的寫字功課照張相,email 給簡老師。Please complete writing a whole line for each word (term) on your writing notebook, making sure you write pinyin for each character. Take a picture of your accomplished work and email 簡老師


6. 偏旁相似字圖表: 請點進連結,印出圖表,在課堂上使用。Template for similar characters with the same side: Please click the link and print out the template for class usage. 

7. 點進下面的連結,做 Quizlet 第五課的練習單元:learn, flashcards 和 match. Please click the link, and work on Quizlet Lesson 5 activities: learn, flashcards and match.






Monday, November 16, 2020

每日/週末四班 11/17/20-11/22/20 Weekday/Weekend Class 4

1. Classkick 《怎樣吃才健康》選擇題練習Work on the multiple choice practice for 《怎樣吃才健康.》





2. 設計「我的健康餐盤」: 點進下列連結,找到有自己名字的 Google Slide,設計你的健康餐盤。 Click the link below, find the slide with your name and design your healthy plate.





4. 造句: 用下列句型造句,每個句型造一句,寫在寫字簿裡,用Classkick裡的照相功能拍照,貼在頁面上。Use the patterns below to write sentences on your writing notebook, one sentence for each pattern. Use the camera in Classkick to take a picture of your accomplished work and paste it on the page.

5. 點進下面的連結,做 Quizlet 《怎樣吃才健康》的練習單元:Write, Spell 和 Test. Please click the link, and work on the rest of Quizlet activities: Write, Spell and Test.





6. 開門七件事,在 Classkick 的頁面上,用 Text 的功能,打出歌詞 。Seven Essential Ingredients in Life, using Text in the tool bar to type the lyrics on the Classkick page.


7. 量詞 part 1:每天至少唸一次,在Classkick 裡錄音,假期回來後必須背起來。Learn the unit (part 1): record your reciting everyday. Make sure you memorize it all when you are back from the holidays.


8. 感恩節快樂!

Monday, November 9, 2020

每日/週末四班 11/10/20-11/15/20 Weekday/Weekend Class 4

 1. 第四課考試,請點進連結,做第四課的測試。Please click the link and complete the test for Lesson 4.





2. 點進下列連結,印出課文。Click the link below and print out the text.


3. 請點進下面的連結,印出字卡,剪開。Please click the link below, printing and cutting out the flash cards.

4. 寫生字(詞): 下列生字(詞)各寫一行在寫字簿上,加上拼音,請把完成的寫字功課,用Classkick裡的照相功能拍照,貼在頁面上。Please complete writing a whole line for each word (term) on your writing notebook, making sure you write pinyin for each character. Use the camera in Classkick to take a picture of your accomplished work and paste it on the page.


5. 偏旁相似字圖表: 請點進連結,印出圖表,在課堂上使用。Template for similar characters with the same side: Please click the link and print out the template for class usage. 

6. 點進下面的連結,做 Quizlet 《怎樣吃才健康》的練習單元:Learn, Flashcard, 和 Match. Please click the link below, and work on Quizlet activities: Learn, Flashcard, and Match.





7. 朗讀《怎樣吃才健康》課文:在 Classkick 裡錄音,貼在頁面上。Record your reciting of 《怎樣吃才健康》 text. Use the recording function in Classkick and paste your audio on the page.